そのDiggが,近く非技術分野にも進出していくという。[adult swim]と称するサイトで,Diggの創立者の一人のKevin Roseがインタビューで次のように語っている。
Kevin: We're really focused right now on the next generation versions of Digg. When we launch our next version, version 3, here in the next few months, you are going to see a complete overhaul of the site. You're going to see new features. It's really going to expand outside of technology. The core will still be that tech site, but we're also getting into other sections of the newspapers, about world news, and politics and you name it...we're going to have all sorts of different sections of the site. It's going to be a crazy, crazy upgrade for us. It's going to be really cool.
数ヶ月以内に,サイトを大幅にバージョンアップするようだ。これまで,ニュースのカバー分野は技術系が中心であったが,世界ニュースや政治ニュースにも手を伸ばしていきたいという。“crazy upgrade”をやりたいようで,楽しみにしておこう。
・Digg to expand to news(Lost Remote)
・Q & A With Diggnation([adult swim])