ちょうど,Mashable!が“Social Networking Awards - The Top Social Networks of 2006”を発表していた。分野が分野だけに,実績のある賞ではないが,参考にはなる。11分野毎に,Mashable!が選んだサービス,人気投票で選んだサービス,そして2007年の注目株を挙げている。
1. Mainstream and Large Scale Networks
Our Choice: MySpace
People’s Choice: Multiply
Hot for 2007: Bebo, Vox, Facebook, Facebox
2. Widgets and Add-Ons
Our Choice: Slide.com
People’s Choice: ZwinkyHot for 2007: RockYou, Stickam, Snocap, Zingfu, MyBlogLog
3. Social News and Social Bookmarking
Our Choice: Digg
People’s Choice: Trailfire
Hot for 2007: Del.icio.us, StumbleUpon, Blinklist
4. Sports and Fitness
Our Choice: FanNation
People’s Choice: Takkle
Hot for 2007: SportsVite, Ultrafan
5. Photo Sharing
Our Choice: Flickr
People’s Choice: Twango
Hot for 2007: Zooomr, Webshots, ImageShack, Tabblo, Pickle, BubbleShare
6. Video Sharing
Our Choice: YouTube
People’s Choice: Gotuit
Hot for 2007: Metacafe, Motionbox, Revver, vSocial, StupidVideos, Blip.tv,
7. Startpages
Our Choice: Netvibes
People’s Choice: Pageflakes
Hot for 2007: YourMinis, Protopage, Webwag
8. Places and Events
Our Choice: Yelp
People’s Choice: CollegeTonight
Hot for 2007: MingleNow, HeyLetsGo, Planypus, ILCU (and others)
9. Music
Our Choice: Last.fm
People’s Choice: ReverbNation, MOGHot for 2007: Pandora, YourSpins, Rapspace, ProjectOpus, iLike, Splice, MusicHawk and More
10. Social Shopping
Our Choice: Etsy
People’s Choice: ThisNext
Hot for 2007: Crowdstorm, Kaboodle, ShopWiki, StyleFeeder
11. Mobile
Our Choice: Twitter
People’s Choice: WadjaHot for 2007: Friendstribe, JuiceCaster, Zingku, Moblabber, Zemble, Veeker, Treemo
12. Niche and Miscellaneous Social Networks
Our Choice: Flixster
People’s Choice: Dogster, LibraryThing
Hot for 2007: SneakerPlay, MothersClick, Motortopia, Minti, ComicSpace, Curbly, MyChurch, Ziki, VeryLiberating, ITtoolbox, Fanpop, ShareYourLook, FamilyThrive, Blubrry, innerTee, Listal, ConnectingMoms, FirstGiving, RealityAllStarz, CafeMom, BeGreen, AdFemme, Dianovo, eLifeList, CampusBug, SnehaH, HumanOpinion, MerchantCircle, Barrio305, GenevaOnline, MDJunction (list too long to post images!)
・Social Networking Awards - The Top Social Networks of 2006 (Mashable!)