When Polopoly asks if it is important to have a large editorial staff, most respondents say it is not but that an editorial staff in the future will be complemented by user generated content and other actors on the market.これからは多くの記者を抱える必要はないと。だって,UGCで補えるのだから。
記者を増やさないとする話が,New York Timesでも。Bill Keller(the executive editor of The Times)がスタッフに送ったメモが,The New York Observerに掲載されていた。編集予算削減の圧力が強くなっており,レイオフを明言していないが,退職者の補充はしないようである。以下にメモの一部を。
But as many of you know, we put into place a hiring freeze several weeks ago, and except for those jobs that are critically important to our future ambitions, we intend to enforce it. As journalists resign or retire from the Company next year, we will be trying to fill their positions internally.
・New Study: Forty Per Cent of News User Generated Within Three Years(polopoly)
・Times Announces Layoffs, Enforcement of Hiring Freeze(The New York Observer)