Newspapers Own 7 of Top 20 News Domains Nielsen//NetRatings調査による米ニュースサイトのトップ20。
Top 20 Current Events & Global News Sites
Unique Audience Time Per Person
Brand or Channel (000) (hh:mm:ss)
CNN 22,405 0:38:02
Yahoo! News 20,966 0:31:23
MSNBC 20,601 0:18:19
AOL News & Weather 12,801 0:44:40
Gannett Newspapers 10,423 0:12:20 9,337 0:42:02
Internet Broadasting Systems Inc. 9,330 0:16:47
Knight Ridder Digital 8,638 0:11:15
Tribune Newspapers 7,845 0:13:46 7,374 0:13:35
Google News 6,325 0:10:32
Hearst Newspapers Digital 5,882 0:13:40 5,796 0:23:38
ABCNews Digital 5,753 0:14:50
Associated Press 5,730 0:05:46
Fox News 5,423 0:41:20
CBS News 4,872 0:07:33
BBC News 4,762 0:09:49
MSN Slate 4,669 0:10:51
WorldNow 4,132 0:08:55
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings. Data based on audience measurement of more than 60,000 U.S. panelists with home and work Net access. June 2004